Made in 48 hours for the GMTK Game Jam 2020.
Command your squad mates to hit switches and open up a path to victory. Claim the prize and get out the way you came in.
Plan the heist well: the squaddies can be commanded to move to a certain room, flick a switch in their room or hold their position on any of up to four steps. However, once the ball is rolling, their actions are pretty much out of your hands; this particular job is going to need many recon attempts.
Once on the mission, use WASD to move, and space to shift your mates onto the next step of the plan. Hit switches by moving over them, and don't forget to grab that sweet, sweet loot.
Note: This game is very much unfinished. This is not just my first game jam, but arguably the first proper game I've ever made, so, just be warned of a distinct lack of sound and animation, and some horribly unsuited spritework.
Art by bevouliin.com, Kenny.nl, adythewold and yd, all on opengameart.org.
Special thanks to Jean Luc Barbara for concept and testing.