Stanley and the Clocktower Caper
Can you help Stanley the Sloth save the Clocktower from the evil Spinners?
This project is a collaboration of Team Infinite Shadow Marsh:
Bryant McCracken Jr.
William Marsh
Natasha Purser
Anthony Smith
This is an entry in the Unity Course Community Game Jam.
All music, sound effects, characters, animations and graphics are copyrighted 2018 by the four persons listed above. They may not be used for any commercial purpose. Music, sound effects, characters , and animations are all original and created for this jam.
The source code is available for use under the CC BY 3.0 US license. You may use it for any purpose, but please give credit to the authors. You can find the source code on GitHub.
After playing, we would greatly appreciate a couple of minutes of your time to take a survey about the game: