Star Command reviews

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Microsoft from Norsk
Ever dreamed of leading your own spaceship out in the unknown? Do you Fire plasma cannons while the inventory is burning and falling apart? Make decisions that can lead to diplomacy or annihilation of a race? Or What about a giant screen, where you see his bitter enemy in the white eye? For 7kr, you get a long-time pleasure. Wonderful Music, graphics that take you back to DOS and not least humor that makes you laugh! Angry Birds can go to lie down!
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Microsoft from Deutsch
First Of all: The Game is really very nicely done. The Pixel Graphics like, the Soundtrack very suitable, the Dialogues at good "The Naked Cannon" level and also otherwise the Game runs bug-free and performant on my iPad 3. But: They are always the same two skill Mini-games. Hours! A Level always goes like this: You jump to a Planet, communicate with a Ship and a Fight ensues-no matter what you say. And in the Fight, you always have to repeat the two Mini-games of your Board guns. On every Shot. Until the other Ship is broken. No Strategy. Anyone expecting a Star Street game or FTL can move on. There's nothing to see Here. The repitive Gameplay breaks everything and gets bored after a few Missions. The Story is not so awesome now that it motivates on its own.
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Microsoft from Danish
Generally, I like this game. There is allot of good references to popular things I remember from my childhood and other popular things. But you get a sense of having allot of choices in the form of dialougs, but allot of the time, it doesn't matter what you choose. The only real choice that seem to have an impact is around the beginning (being a good or bad guy), which still don't have that much of an impact on the story. Also, the fights are very much the same where you will be using the same strategy over and over again. I didn't feel there was any difference between the battles and got bored rather quick. And once you have completer the rather short story, you can start over with more rooms for your ship, but it is still the same game and story you go through. Things I miss; the choices you make matters/has an effect. More diverse gameplay (every fight is the same). Racial bonus's/abilities (every race is the same). Better replayability (short game, same story). Boarding capabilities (they can, so why not the player). So I will generally say, don't buy this unless you really like references to science fiction and such.