StarLight: Galaxy

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This story has been brewing for twenty years and it wouldn't be possible without the help of some good friends, some dice and a table.

We at Fedora-Fiish Creatives have have three goals,

To deliver you a good story.
To engage you in a science-fiction universe.
To provide you with goal oriented missions, not just mindless combat.

StarLight Galaxy currently offers two missions:

=The Game=


It has been eleven long years since the war with Mind Fuq In ended. It took a great toll however. The brothers Graddok and Kirst now hated one another. Kirst was now forever on the run and Graddok struggled with keeping his mothers company alive and doing the right thing. A thing his brother had never been concerned with.

Mission I
Your team must prevent a notorious marauder and trafficker from escape: either by killing or capturing them. Your choice of team members and equipment will be important in obtain this goal. Choose two team members and two items and prepare to face down with a heartless gang of space raiders.

Mission II

Your not done yet. The raiders had captives, some unfortunates that were about to be sold into the wicked Vascari empire. They left some drones guarding them however so you have to overcome the drones then hack the terminals controlling the containment field

Mission III [In development]
Sparky, an old friend and former member of Coffin Inc, has contacted you regarding an experiment on the basement level of Sparky HQ. A very dangerous, very out of control experiment. [Bonus: Unlocks Transporter Item.]

Cast of Characters

John G.D. Challenger: Covered in scars from various armed conflicts, John was genetically designed to withstand the harshest environments. Though initially only deigned to live six years he has subsisted for twelve years as a mercenary.

Graddok Coffin: Chief most officer of Coffin Inc. Graddok is a Modan, a giant born of another world. Graddok is most famous for his 'Three Fisted Style."

Dan Do'be: A recent addition to the team, Dan is a spiritualist who recently spent the last twenty years living among the Paalan. He is accompanied by a large bear he rescued some -time ago that refuses to leave his side.

Gabriel: An early joiner of Coffin Inc, Gabriel is a 'Cy'ar' who are a small but powerful beings. Gabriel can command telekinetic forces with his mind and wields the 'Seven Sword'.

Kato Ichiro: Born to race of honor bound warriors, Ichiro was the final victim of the war with Mind Fuq. His fate was not so simple however. HIs brain was sold on the black market to confederation scientist and now he something else.

Vegra Nymm: A synthetic life-form capable of controlling drones(next update) and the minds of living beings with equal ease.Vegra is famous for her two oscillating swords she calls 'Turkey Cutters'.

Elana Rose: Bishop Elena Rose is what is called a Gun Priest. Gun Priest are a semi-secret order of vigilantes from all faiths, working in concert with a person known only as "The Author."

Rikk Santos: Formerly a vascari noble, Rikk ripped his stones from his head and denounced his titles. Rikk is another early adopter the de-facto medic of Coffin Inc. Rikk can heal and buff his team-mates.

Yellow Tail: A film-maker and photographer who may just be more than he appears to be. Yellowtails camera conceals a powerful lasre capable of shooting through walls.

In'Rah Varote: His full name isIn'rah drel* Varote' qual'lp he is a former assassin and member of a shadowy organization called The Hand and the Eye, or as it more commonly called: 'The Hand'. in'Rah is a shape-sifter and skilled swordsman.

Planned Characters

More characters are in the work, here are just a few.

Faith-A psychic which can jump from body to body.

Wisdom-A living psychic energy-source capable of area attacks.

Kato Tsung- A true Ren warrior and swordsman, he is called "The Master of the Wind."

..and more.

With art by Loremeer

Many of the sprites you see, for better or worse are my own work. Virtually all of the portraits(save two, I bet you can guess which is which lol) are the work of my friend and development partner Loremeer.

You can see more of his great art at
or at

The project is in development.
This is a beta. It will have bugs. I am constantly bug hunting but the code has grown extensive so I miss things. If you experience a bug LEMME know. I will have a patch out to you as soon as possible.

Release date
Fedora-Fiish Creatives
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019

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