Starpoint Gemini 2 reviews

Good premise, interesting start, but gets repetitive and boring really fast.

Real reason i dont recommend it is the user interface and especially spotting enemy ships and identiying class, health or any kind of info, because the feedback is given by a 10 pixel height red font and it kills eyesight, patience and any interest in continuing the grind, which in the end is what basically this game is.
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Game version: 1.0001 First: The bad Rating goes to all the Reviews that are almost splashing out with Euphoria. The Game is nice, but by a long time not as good as it is touted here by some. When a Game has left Alpha & Beta status behind, I just presuppose Certain Things. These would be, for example-good Operation-Clarity-The bloody Beginner to be taken by the hand with a Tutorial-The gross Mistake is eradicated. (Small Bugs here and there are normal) Now I want some Things that the Game (still) doesn't have:-A failed Tutorial That at least shows you the Basic elements sensibly. All that is exisized is a "Help Tab" that you can call and in which everything is presented in Text Form. Moment... Did I say Everything? No, noon-notation that. For example, there is talk of a mystical "Context Menu," but not what Functions it has and why you need it. So it happens that you sit there completely helpless in one of the first campaign missions and don't know how to do what is being asked. -A logical Explanation of what the Classes are all about that you choose at the Beginning. So one can decide to become a "Fleet commander," but the fact that one has to work out this Post, or a suitable Ship first hard and with a lot of Time, is not mentioned anywhere. If it weren't even so bad, wouldn't there be the Fact that half of all The skills you then own are useless because You refer to the "Fleet" which is simply not present at the Beginning and long after because a.) To Expensive and b.) Your own Rank is not high enough. -Tangible Progress. Yes, if you try to Go from Mission to Mission, try your hand at mining (If you can call the broken shooting of Asteroids and the 1-Click collecting Of Loot ...) or do a "Freelancing" job. But somehow every Ship (If you find one in a Station) is always something expensive That you just sadly eyeing your Account balance and wondering about how many Hours of Playing you can finally leave your Starter ship. I could go on like this for a While yet, but let's leave that. Not only do I want to talk this Game badly, it's playable And has its fun moments and is definitely bug suitors as many a significantly more expensive other space game. Yes, you can even think of it as a Successor to Freelancer. But which hollow pear the Idea of calling this Game an "eve offline" heard definitely thrown into a dark Hole. I can also compare a Frying Pan with a Rifle. As mentioned above, mining is not Mining in the best WIllen. There is no Research & Production System like in Eve-Online and certainly no Tactical Depth. At Gemini 2 I can decide to feed myself with the Mouse in the Hope of hitting the Ships, or I leave that to my "Crew," who then take turns shooting at each Ship individually, so that each has enough Time for itself again. To regenerate Damage to the Shield. After All, DAVOR is warned IN the help section. No honestly, is a nice Game, but also has a lot of Room for Improvement. So you love OMFG 100% EPIC!! AWESOME INCREDIBLE GAME!! Review Writer: Let the Church please in the Village.