Starport Axiom
Until recently, Starport Axiom was a quiet space station at the edge of the galaxy, but it has been conquered by an evil space empire, who claimed and executed nearly everything and all in order to have plentiful resources to use in their vast trade network.
Before the empire arrived, you were a teacher of music, trying your hardest to teach children, which part of the triangle to tap to produce sounds, but since the empire’s “art is stupid and illegal” law, you have joined the rebels.
Under rebel leader, Allison Secret, you are being trained to infiltrate the imperial ministry of docking, transport and logistics. Your job will be to help the revolution by starving the empire of resources through any means necessary.
As far as the directors of the empire are concerned, you have just arrived to the space station, and now gainfully employed to support and fuel the empire's power by processing incoming deliveries of goods and personnel. So, why don't you just "shut up and get to work" or they will have you executed.
(If the game looks strange when you open it, try setting to windowed mode and opening at a 16:9 resolution e.g. 1920 x 1080, 1600 x 900, or 1280 x 720)