Average Playtime: 1 hour

Starseed Pilgrim

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The only driving force in this game is the curiosity of the player.

Unusual game

In the game there are no goals set explicitly and in advance, there are no videos telling anything, there are no monsters with which it is impossible not to fight. Nevertheless, something constantly happens in the game, and what happens in it causes both curiosity and consequences - especially, depending on what you do in the game.

For a start, you can go through a very briefing and then step into the world of the game to explore everything by yourself.

Unusual setting, unusual gameplay

The character of the game is a small man, alone in the whole space of the game. He is surrounded by blocks of different colors. Blocks grow like trees or duckweed on the surface of water. They can even be planted with seeds, just like plants are planted.

Each seed after planting in the "soil" germinates differently. As a result, you are always surrounded by growing “bushes” or “fields” of blocks that live their own and special lives.

It seems that these seeds and blocks speak to you in their own language. Understanding this language and learning how to interact with “plants” is one of the tasks of the game and the condition for success in it.

But all this time, another dimension of the game world is slowly destroying the very ground on which you stand. It destroys your world, because everything in it rests on this soil.

Clear answers

It is noteworthy that everything that happens in the game has its own logic and can ultimately be clarified definitively and definitely. But until that happens, the player may feel ignorant and even confused.


The path to understanding all of this is individual for each player and to a significant degree it is the player who determines what this path will be. The player determines this by his actions, his manner of reacting to what is happening in the game.

Goals and story

The game still has some goals that the player must achieve. But even the discovery of these goals is based on the fact that the game causes the player curiosity and in the process of satisfying this curiosity the player comes to both understanding the goal and the decision whether to reach this goal or not.

There is also a kind of plot, a story in the game. But this story is represented by fragments scattered throughout the game world.

Music to relieve

To relieve the tension that may arise from the difficulties of the game, music that accompanies the gameplay helps well.

Release date
Droqen's Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for macOS


  • Memory:512 MB RAM
  • Hard Drive:60 MB HD space


  • Memory:1 GB RAM

System requirements for PC


  • Memory:512 MB RAM
  • Hard Drive:30 MB HD space


  • Memory:1 GB RAM
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Oct 9, 2023

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Starseed Pilgrim reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from French
Quite happy to have had this game in a bundle, frankly I would have put more than a € by believing in the masterpiece that I would have been disappointed. What to say about it, you're an Explorer in a pixelated world, until then, everyone gets to follow, you can walk around and dig in the blocks in front of you or underneath, and conversely you have seeds to make "pushing" blocks , oranges make a horizontal line, roses a vertical line etc, no random. When you die, you lose all your progression but you win seeds to plant in your own "home", kind of basic what. And... And... And that's it. Nothing more in this game, the life span of the game corresponds to the length of time you realize that there is nothing else to exploit in this game. Certainly is not €6, and after reading this review, I do not see what can make you want to buy it even on sale.
Translated by
Microsoft from French
At the base I had this game in a humble bundle (the number I-know-more-how much) and I dabbled totally, serious kind what. Then one day of grisaille I thought, "I'm going to get a super meat boy," the report? Ben the time of DL SMB, I have DL this game (it weighs nothing at all, even my calculator could store it... MY CALCULATOR!!! ). Then I launched it to test, and there... Nothing, Yep... Nothing. Nada, Ponto... The game this spear CERTE, but I'm lost, a big gray block, pink blocks with pibreasts pink hearts too much and a portal. Good as I am a little madman I use the portal and I arrive on a kind of block of land that seems reached by unchangeable evil that eats all that it finds within its reach to extend its evil power and then there is me who jumps in the void... I go back to the gray block and I note on a post-it that the vacuum is not good (at the same time). I re-crossed the portal and returned to the corrupt block of land and noticed signs on my head (there was before but I hadn't noticed them). Neither one nor two I masturbate the keys of my keyboards to see what happens, miracle I planted a thing under my feet... His push! It's great and I continue my path.... Over time, I learn to manage the signs (these are seeds in reality), to flee the black stuff and to move forward, even if I find it difficult to understand. A lot of trouble actually. I don't like poetic games or we let you fend for yourself like a big boy. Not because they want me to pass messages, do not have a real goal or they have a confusing gameplay. No, that's really cool of them. The only black point in my eyes is that if you do not understand a detail, no one is there to enlighten you (I lost a time not possible to understand that the star blocks that spreads the black trick allowed me to move forward... AND THE POETRY IS NOT WORKING!!! ). In the end the game is cool, really cool, but a bit confusing... I ADVISE!!!!
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