Stealth AI Proving Grounds (WIP)
A simple demo of the AI I developed for a stealth game I am working on. This AI is very much a WIP at this point.
1. WASD for movement
2. Shift to sprint
3. Mouse to look
4. Ctl to crouch
Please message me or comment with feedback on how the AI performs if you would like. This is definitely not the final form of the guard AI. For now, the guard only has three states - patrolling, suspicious, and alerted. The guard will change color based on the awareness level (green for patrolling, yellow for suspicious, and red for alerted). If you would like to give feedback, please do three things. 1) Watch the guard patrol the entire patrol route ( 7 points), 2) deliberately get the guard's attention and hide around corners to see how believably the guard searches for you, and 3) walk into and out of the lights and see how the visibility indicator in the bottom left of the screen performs. Breaking line of sight while suspicious or alerted causes the guard to search for you from your last known position. There is a platform at the base of the cube you start on that will raise you back up there if you want to get back to your starting point. Thank you so much for any feedback!