Steven Saves The World!
Steven Saves The World! is a procedurally generated adventure about a young creature hell bent on saving the world! You go town by town, defending the innocent from an evil invading army.
The core gameplay loop consists of clearing rooms of enemies across 3 procedurally generated levels with up to 50 rooms each! Once you've defeated all the enemies across the 3 levels, you can move onto the next town and purchase upgrades from the blacksmith and the mage. You can get new spells, purchase potions, or get upgrades for your harpoon!
LEFT-CLICK: Shoot harpoon
RIGHT-CLICK: Unstick harpoon from surfaces/enemies
RIGHT-CLICK (HOLD): retrieve the arrow from surfaces, or pull enemies towards you
SPACE: Use spell
Q: Use potion
E: Interact with the merchants
The defaults windows version is the debug version with the console, apologies however we could not get the dialogue system to function otherwise. :/