Sticky Note
Click on things to see if you can get to the Birthday message!
Some things you can pick up, then you can go in the inventory (top right) and click on them to select them, and then try using them on other things.
All was made in a day: concepts (I think I thought of making a game with all the pictures on one sticky note the day before), drawing, editing, programming, and recording the sound; I only just got it all squeezed in a day, particularly since it's been so long since I've worked on this kind of game.
Show trivia (with spoilers)The honey drop sound effect was made with honey from hives just down the road from us: I dripped it on a plate (and subsequently ate it, of course).The car sound effect was made by flipping the sticky note pad which I drew the pictures on. Here's the sticky note with all the pictures (with a secret message to the person I made the card for redacted, haha).
Let me know how it goes!
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Last Modified: Dec 9, 2022
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