Stone Constructor
Try your hand at a game of Go with a friend on an actual Game Boy, or your favorite emulator.
Created during GBJAM 8!
- A full size Go board on a Game Boy!
- No rules are enforced; that's up to you and your opponent
- This is a playable prototype
- Placed and captured stones are used to guess the winner.
This game was written in C with the GBDK library. The GrafX2, GBTD & GBMB graphics tools were also used.
This is about as simple as a Go implementation can get:
- 2 human players required (no AI)
- No final score estimation - stones on the board added up, plus the captured stones, and adjusted with the komi** value of 7.5 to guess the winner.
- Currently no stones can be placed on the edge of the board and only half of each stone is rendered. (ignored for the benefit of completing the jam, requires additional work which may occur some time after GBJAM 8)
Tested on:
- Real hardware
- BGB emulator
** 'komi' is added to the white stone score as compensation for black placing the first stone