Stop the end of the world ... All of them!
It started all on a normal day. Something strange happened...
The eldritch god XzF'.Mk'pPzzcPbe. His power is feared all over the planes of existence. Now he is here to destroy mankind. He is the pure god of fear and creativity.
Everything we fear will become reality. Every bad dream will become a threat. Every prediction of the world's and will become true. The more people believe in it, the more power the fear will get.
The more people believe in something bad, the more it will enter our plane of existencethrough the power of the ancient eldritch god. But, there is something positive.
The rifts to the plane of fear can actually be used to generate power. The brave employees of the Normal Inc. are equipped to handle the monsters of our minds. And gather power from fear. You are their company leader. Good Luck!
Desciption:"Stop the end of the world ... All of them!" is a game about fighting nightmares and apocalyptic threats with taskforces. You have to manage the taskforces, connect power sources, generators and stabilizers to your forces and handle threats.
I created the project during the #secretsantajam and streamed the whole process on my twitch channel.
Credits:This game was created during the SecretSanta Game Jam 2020.
My giftee wanted a management game so I created this monstrosity. I hope they like it and you too.
Special Thanks to all playtesters: Sasquatch, Dino0040, its Hypers, Hugo, JD Clifton, StarStriker, Drew & my fried who laughs at all of my jokes, uGuy123
Music & Audio by BlueDrak3
Created by boscoJonez