Storey ofo teh Pototo
Storey ofo teh Pototo is a exelefnt game allll abouyt snt padddy
(Everything in this game is not intended to be harmful or offensive in any way, it was just three friends laughing about our 'awesome' creations. And was intended to have a laugh and enjoy for the 1-3 minutes of gameplay it has, I hope you can understand and its meant to be mostly about st patrick's story : Patrick was born in Britain of a Romanized family. At age 16 he was kidnapped by Irish raiders and carried into slavery in Ireland. After six years in servitude, he had a dream of his escape and fled his master. Surviving a harrowing journey back to Britain, he was eventually reunited with his family.)
If you would like an extended version of this game or just an update, let us know in the comments!
Dark_Knife15 - - Programmer, Map Designer and Sound Designer.
Im_Jay_king - - Graphics Designer, Planner, Story Designer and Map Designer.
Silver_Dragon124 - - Sound Designer.