Street Fighter 6 achievements

Spirits of Encouragement
Having outside support is a bit like having a spirit. You can't see them, but they lend you strength all the same. Get 600 "Nice" fans, and you'll feel strong too.
Gazing at the Peak
If you wanna match the one-and-only Jamie Siu, you'd better be early to the starting line. Give a Tournament a shot!
Combat Analysis
In combat, you must constantly analyze the situation. Spectate an Extreme Battle, and hone your ability to read and react to the unexpected.
Gotta Be Popular! Uwo!
Uwo! My dream's to become famous, and make Mama proud! You should become famous too! Try gathering 200 "Nice" fans, for starters!
Classic Leaderboard Champ
Ever try the Ranking Challenge at the Game Center? Give it a shot! It's important to always challenge yourself, even when it comes to games.
Veteran of Battle
Kung fu is the result of ceaseless training. Do anything enough times, and you'll see results. So will you, once you fight in the Battle Hub 100 times.
King of the Ring
Starting to get used to competition? Then set your sights on winning 30 Battle Hub matches. Gotta give yourself a challenge if you want to get anywhere in life.
Mastery's Bond
Once you find someone to call a master, you would do well to seek to deepen your bonds. Raise the bond with one of your masters to 100.
Up on the Big Screen
Sit down by the big monitor in the Battle Hub, and you can view all kinds of stuff. Man... Used to be me up there going wild on the big screen.
Ready to Dance?
Have you had a chance to jam out at the DJ Booth in the Battle Hub, bud? Pick your favorite tunes, and light the dance floor aflame!
Practical Training
You've heard of combo trials, I presume? It's time you practice attack sequences. I want you to finish 45 of them. It will be difficult, but I've the utmost faith in you.
Becoming the Avatar
In Avatar Battles, you can battle others as an avatar―a self outside of your self. Go there, and experience all that such combat has to offer.