Subspace Continuum reviews

Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
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Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Subspace Continuum-The steampunk version of the old MMO game of the Year 97. The release Date indicated on the page in the steam, it is rather the date of release of the game in the heart. Therefore, running the game should be ready that You will see the interface MMO-Arcade is originally from the 90s. Nothing particularly terrible there, but to understand all the intricacies, and understand what can be used commands, you will need to exert some effort. By Gameplay: We have one of several (8 to be more precise) spaceships with different characteristics to choose from, and a lot of aren and game modes. The Main modes 3-Capture the flag and its variety, the hyphen and its different types, and the game of "ball" (football or hockey). The Increase of levels, ranks and rating tables in the game is absent as a class, but at the same time occasionally organized different competitions. Fights are quite dynamic, and the game community is quite friendly. But it is necessary to bear in mind that the Russian-speaking players seem to be especially not, so the knowledge of English is very useful. In terms of graphics and sounds: There is no music in the game, sounds and graphics come from the 90s. In this case, it means that the picture beauty does not shine, but not annoying, and in general it is standard for many minimalist 2D games of the time. As a result: The game is an old and very lively example of arcade MMO-aren, fans of simple but dynamic online shooters may like. For the rest of IMHO entertainment for half an hour, but Entertainment pleasant.