Sunset Kombat
Sunset Kombat is a simple fighting game made in Game Maker Studio 1.4 for Nina Freeman's Sunset Jam. Two friends are sparring on the beach at sunset the day before a martial arts tournament.
The game features three attack buttons and a CPU to fight against, and also supports 2 players playing on one keyboard.
- A/arrow-left - left
- D/arrow-right - right
- W/arrow-up - jump
- S/arrow-down - crouch
- J/numpad1 - light attack
- K/numpad2 - heavy attack
- L/numpad3 - special attack
- crouching blocks most attacks except projectiles and the jumping overhead kick
- light punch attack can take out projectiles
- heavy standing kick can destroy Mina's anti-air sand attack
- pressing crouch during the knock-down animation just as you are about to hit the ground onwards speeds up recovery