Super Dream Hero Guy
A super hero dream guy who helps gloomy people by defeating the dream demons using the power of imagination and everyday objects
Submission for Game Jam Dreamy, just a concept game that didn't finish fully on the gameplay and animation
How to Play :
We didn't have time to create a tutorial and the gameplay is half finished so here goes
- You have 3 button that you have to click to get the adjective, object, and effect.
- This will determine what element, damage modifiers and where to attack
- The objects that is chosen is cycled by the imagine cloud above your head
- The 3 button must be filled in order to attack
- Attack can be initiated by clicking the imagine button and when the blue bar is filled
- Enemies will auto attack you when their blue bar is filled
- Attacks deal more damage with elements that enemies are weak to (hint: look at their color)