Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
"Super Killer Hornet: Resurrection" Is a small vertical bullet light shooter.
WIr choose us one of three Ships that have different Firing Strength and Speed. Then the Level of difficulty is determined and off you go. Bullet source typical Is to dodge the Projectiles of the Opponents who come upon us in Patterns. Meanwhile, we enter through an ever-pressed Button Continuous Fire, shattering simple Opponents and Bosses.
All pretty typical of the Genre. But Especially: We should solve simple Computational tasks by collecting Numbers throughout the Rumgeballer, because that is the only way we can get an acceptable Bonus.
The Game does not have too many different Opponents, nor are the attack patterns of an Opponent type the same. And it doesn't offer much Unusual else, either. The Graphics are retro simple, the few Pieces of music sound like Rock from the 80s. It is also damn short and, by and large, Simple knitted.
But it works and is what it wants to be. A simple, small retro bullethel shooter. Also Included is the Original X-Box indie games.
Rating: 5/10 Atmosphere-/10 Story 5/10 Graphic 5/10 Sound 6/10 Game Mechanics 6/10 Balancing 6/10 Game Pass Conclusion: Nice, but nothing more.
6/10 Overall Rating
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Game: An action arcade game with a lot of Action.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Single Player: You have 3 different Spaceships to Choose from with different other Weapons. There is an Arcade Mode and a TimeTrial Mode to Choose from. You Play your way through a Variety of Levels and shoot down everything that moves, besides being placed In math tasks in +,-,/,/, which allows you to earn extra Points or Minus Points.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Graphics: Graphically it is quite good, but unfortunately no Full screen or other Settings.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Music: The Music is made nice and changeable in the Game all The time.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Control: The Controls are simply great with the XBOX360 Pad.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pro/Contra: + Old-school Charm + good Control-too little Variety-Graphics setting Options not available---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------Conclusion: A nice action shooter for in between, rather boring in the long term or rather something for High Score Gamers who still know this Genre from their Childhood. It didn't grab me to love the Game or to Play long term.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Summarized: Single Players: 3/10 Graphic: 5/10 Music: 6/10 Control: 9/10----------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------Game: 6/10