Super Pet Fighter: Re-hamstered Edition(demo)
Super Pet Fighter: Re-hamstered Edition is an exciting game that offers a unique and thrilling experience to its players. As the player, you will enter the world of New Roshamburg City, where the ultimate pet fighting championship is about to take place. Your goal is to emerge as the champion by battling it out against other pet owners and their pets in the classic game of Rock Paper Scissors - also known as Rachambo.
The game offers a range of choices for players to select from, including four different pet companions. You can choose your pet based on your preferences, strategy, and playstyle. Once you have selected your pet companion, you will have to battle against over 15 unique pets with various skills and abilities to claim the top spot in New Roshamburg City.
As you progress through the game, you will develop an unbreakable bond with your pet, and together you will conquer the challenges and obstacles that come your way. But, if you fail to train and guide your pet, you may find yourself being taken to the pound.
So...are you ready to take on the challenge and become the ultimate champion of New Roshamburg City?