Super Steve World
Super Steve World is a game i made for the "Technically a Game Jam" Jam based on the theme like x but y so its "Like Minercaft but its a Plattformer". For this game i took two masterpiece games: Minecraft an super mario world. It looks like minecraft and plays like super mario world but slower and easyer. There just a couple Levels but ist very fun. Your Goal is to finish the levels and collect all diamonds. In the game is a guide that can help if you got problems and shows you the controls. There are also Gumbass form mario but he is firendly because you are steve not mario. Its your choice tho kill him or not.
just try it out and listen to the minecraft music. Good luck :)
Minimum requirements: 300mb ram, core i5/7 from 2000gen, 200mb graohics card
Recommend: 500mb ram, core i5/7 from 2000gen or higher, 500mb graphics card