This simple game is a parody of the Survivor Romania 2021 game show, in which one of the competitors is constantly fighting with a gang of "snakes" (in his own team) who are eager to get him out of the game in any way possible. They have tried for over 2 months now, and Albert, the main character of the mini game here, is often the fan favorite from that team, meaning that he's saved. On top of that he can name another one in his place to be in danger of leaving (thus the gang of "snakes" lost many members and lost their minds with frustration). The slowest enemy in the mini-game is the slowest competitor in the show as well, as well as the main instigator pushing his acolytes around.
This mini game was inspired by the GDQuest tutorials for the Godot game engine.
Programming and music by United Simesky Institutes