Sweeps And Throws: A Two-Attack Fighting Game
This is Sweeps And Throws, the two-attack fighting game! Two players are required to play this game.
You have two attacks: a long-range sweep that can be blocked by holding down and back, and a short ranged throw that cannot be blocked. Footsies are the main focus of the game, so make sure your FGC fundamentals are tight!
[P1] Move Left - A
[P1] Move Right - D
[P1] Crouch - S
[P1] Sweep - G
[P1] Throw - H
[P2] Move Left - Left Arrow
[P2] Move Right - Right Arrow
[P2] Crouch - Down Arrow
[P2] Sweep - [
[P2] Throw - ]
Restart Game - Escape
This game was made in 8 hours for the United Game Jam 2020 with the theme of "TWO". The game fits the theme as there are only two attacks that a player can use to fight their opponent.