Sweet Roll (IanMykl)
Sweet-Roll is a Strategy-based autobattler-inspired game where you buy and sell adorable candies to defend you against evil attacking vegetables!
My submission to the GMTK 2022 Game Jam.
Some helpful hints if you get stuck:
- Mouse over Candies for more details. Different ones have unique abilities or prices.
- To buy a Candy just drag it from the shop to the board.
- You get 7 gold every turn, it doesn't carry over!
- You can also drag Candies on the board to reposition/swap them.
- Drag candies from the board to the top half of the screen to sell them.
- You can edit the sides of your dice to get better odds of a powerful attack.
- When editing dice you'll see how many Sides you have available with a sub-not in parenthesis of how many of that side you have in stock and on any dice you have.
- End you turn by clicking the "Roll!" Button. This will roll all of your dice.
- Candied attack when their color is rolled.
- After Candies attack the enemy will attack.
- Later on you'll get the option to but an upgrade for the shop, it's expensive but gets cheaper every turn.
- The enemy will show what its next move is. "Attacking(1)" means it will attack your first Candy, "Attacking(2)" means it will attack your first 2 candies and so on.
- It may also have a multiplier afterwards, this means it will do the attack that many times!
- It can also spend a turn to power up for the rest of the battle, watch out!
- After defeating an enemy a new, stronger, one will appear. How many can you take down?