Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Microsoft from Russian
Synonymy is a game where you are given a starting word and you have to travel trough synonyms of synonyms trying to reach the goal word that you are also given at the start.
The game has a difficulty selection, making it enjoyable to people of all ages. The easiest difficulty usually gives you very common words, where the paths are more obvious. But on the hardest difficulty, the words start to be a little more complex, not so common, making it challenging for older people. Since you can see the definition of every single word it's a very educational game - even for adults - you may learn a word or two that you didn't know before, specially on the harder difficulty settings.
You probably won't play this game for hours and hours in a row but rather on short bursts of time several times.
The game also features "seeds" (or pass-codes), a 5 character code that you and your friends can enter on the beginning of the game to ensure you have the same starting word and goal. That way you can compare your scores at the end.
There's also a global leaderboard, where you can see the the score, starting and goal words of the most recently played games around the world, along with its pass-code in case you want to try the same challenge by yourself.
I absolutely recommend it. It is very cheap too. Get it.
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Microsoft from Russian
Synonyms, and their synonyms Immediately say, I tried to give the game a chance. But The review will still be negative.
Synonymy-a game consisting of words in English. Our task is that we have to find a synonym for the given word, and then a synonym to the chosen, and so on.
Gameplay: Given A word, and a bunch of words that can be synonymous with it. We Poke at the word, it becomes the source, and the remaining words are updated. That'S just I did not understand why nothing happens when I on the word "REPAIR"-repair, press the word "FEE"-the fee. They are also replaced, there is no loss, there is nothing.
Picture: All Words of different colors, and everything is done on a black background.
Generalization and Trivia: 1) No Russian language. It is very sad, because I know English words only on school/around, and in the game there are even unknown. Constantly Watch the dictionary/translator is not happy at all.
2) No achievements.
3) No cards.
4) Strange gameplay.
5) Generally strange game...
6) Multi-player Game. As? There from the menu only New Game, Continue and Exit.
Bottom Line: In General, the game did not like, I caught the gist, and what the developer wanted to do, but how it is done... It'S weird. But If you are with English on you, not "London is the capital...", and love such "puzzles", do not even know how to call such games, the game you will like.
Sincerely, Aikiro, Speakers Ste @ m.