Tactical Hydra - Ludum Dare 41
Multiple Choice Tactical Strategy Turn Based Shooter / Pool-like
Ludum Dare 41 - Combine 2 Incompatible Genres
1.2 fixes:
- Fixed damage bug
- WASD + mouse added for ship's control
- Added respective sprites to depict better ship's turning angle
- Added cloaking particle
- Smoother Hourglass
A giant Hydra is threatening planet Earth!
Our only hope is YOU! ...and the most advanced Hydra head hunting spaceship avaiable.
Charge, cloak, fire, think carefully your next move.
Time doesnt run until you make an action. The advanced Magnetoplasmic thruster lets you adjust your thrust at will.
If you turn, shoot or use your Transdimensional cloaking device time will be executed.
If you turn once more in the direction youre going an extreme turning maneuvre that come with extreme inertia results.
Just one turn to the other side and the ship will straighten up.
The specialy designed for Hydra Slayin' Photon Ultragun takes a turn to shoot and 3 turns to recharge.
Transdimensional cloaking is efective against all this dimension threats while is activated. It's nature
prevents you to adjust your direction during activation. It cannot be activated twice in a row.
PRO TIP: Increase your thruster before cloaking to bypass any danger!
Screen warps horizontally and bounces vertically.
UP = increase ship's thrust
DOWN = decrease ship's thrust
LEFT = turn counter clockwise. Ends turn.
RIGHT = turn clockwise. Ends turn.
Z = Fire (gun must be charged [3 turns]). Ends turn.
X = Cloak device. Cannot be damaged. Speed increased. (Cannot be used twice in a row). Ends turn.
SPACE = End turn
Sound FX generated with BFXR
Music composed with Jeskola Buzz
Graphics created with Aseprite