Average Playtime: 4 hours

Taima Miko Yuugi

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Age rating
18+ Adults Only

System requirements for PC

  • OS: WIN7 SP1/WIN8/WIN10/XP
  • Processor: Intel Core2DUO 2GHz
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX 9 compatible graphics card
  • Storage: 1 GB available space
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Last Modified: Aug 12, 2022

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Taima Miko Yuugi reviews and comments

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Microsoft from French
good... What to say about TMY after... pfffiouuu 142h on... I feel that I will have to develop a little to understand why so much time has elapsed lol. Let's start from the beginning, it's an arse-oriented game, like many others I've tested before, but it has a huge difference compared to others, this game puts the fight to the very first PLAN, but really eh... the very first! Indeed here there are not 28 different cities to travel or 3 continents to cross. There are no 8 roads leading to 8 different endings. There are no good or bad choices. The game consists of 5 main NPCs, you PJ, and some NPCs annexes. Exposed like that we can wonder how it might look like other games type sakuragame that I could test before... If it wasn't for the butt you want it here during the fights, I will say nothing lol ^^ it is, for my part, a good breath of oxygen in the rpgmaker focused hentai to which I have been able to play recently, one does not take the head to follow all an ultra-ambiicated story , as in King exit for example, we do not break the head more than that to traverse the level dotted with mobs of all kinds, we advance we trucide and start again. Indeed, if as in many other the concept of death is illusory, at most you return to the entrance of the level to start it again by keeping everything you have accumulated before your death, here the goal of the game is to make the fights last longer possib , so that the mobs will take on your heroin, again and again... and ENCORE and ENCOOOOOOORE... you have to tell yourself that your main interest in fighting is to make them last as long as possible by slaming all your Mana in the magic of care in order to heal you to the Max, then let the mobs rape you until you have more life , then regen HP and start over until total Mana exhaustion. So the fights are ultra long. Why do this? Simply because every time a mob violates you it leaves you a gift by starting, an item that will mount one of your stats permanently, passing levels in the game only allows you to acquire skill points to spend in cash trees ences, another good idea of this game, but it does not allow to strengthen, it is the small gifts of the mobs that will make it become unbeatable. So we take the map until we get to the final boss, take an outcast on him and then farm the mobs just before to grab presents to raise the stats and then pout the final boss of the level in a simple way. Other useful to get raped by everything that moves, there are three different types of mobs per level plus the boss, they will have to be raped once minimum by each of them because it unlocks rewards in the toilet (I will not specify what I talk you will see well by yourself xD), useful rewards for advancing your skill trees more easily. As I said the fight is the main interest of the game, it is refreshing, not especially innovative, but at least the level of difficulty follows correctly. Once you have enough farmed to reach the end of the game easy, you can start it again and will have the choice of two difficulty modes... as much warn you immediately, the HMD is rather big... You can go straight there eh.... but prepare yourself for a very very long farm to succeed in making damage on mobs of ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥. ♥ ♥ lol. There is no alternative story in the higher difficulty modes, we do it just for fun, on the other hand there is a new skill tree and new items in the game, it's pretty nice:) Obviously I can not advise you this game without taking the excellent patch of Rik67, as usual go on its discord via the address left on its steam group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Nukige a big thanks to him who to create the patch allowing to reduce the font size of character in addition to the uncensored version, result we can finally understand about 70% of the dialogues and items of the game, the devs being too stupid to do it properly themselves, for my part I took the version in size 1 2, and you'll have to play in full screen;) So I recommend this little game that at first does not pay mine, but that is very quickly addictive by its very simple gameplay and not taking head.
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