Take and Care - An Unlikely Pair
This game is based on a real life relationship between a species of tarantula and frog!
As Care, you take care of your froggy friends by protecting them from centipedes. Meanwhile, those frogs, including your best friend Take, take care of you by eating the ants that threaten your eggs.
- Left Mouse - Move Spider to Mouse
- Right Mouse - Collect All Frogs in Range
- Space Bar - Release All Collected Frogs
- Protect as many frogs as possible from centipedes
- Protect the yellow frog especially
- Get the frogs to eat the ants
Control Care to guide the frogs to get them to eat the ants. If an ant reaches your den (the black hole in the center of the screen), you'll lose a life. While the ants come for your nest, centipedes come for the frogs. The centipedes are afraid of giant spiders, so to protect the frogs, put Care in the centipedes' path. They'll move away. The frog with a yellow circle is named Take. If Take is eaten by a centipede, the game ends.
Take is a stronger frog than the others, able to wrigle under sticks and leaves, and able to eat ants much more quickly. Take is also Care's best friend.
You win the game when all ants that haven't reached your nest are eaten. Your score can be counted as a combination of how many frogs you saved and how many ants were eaten.
This was my first game jam. I didn't add everything I wanted to (sound, music, more levels, better path finding, better art, etc), but I'm still really happy with what I came up with. Thank you for putting this jam together!
This game was made for the Extra Credits Game Jam #6 - Theme: Take Care.