Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
A great Game could be it or still become. But right now it's just bad and even with a long Breath and a lot of Patience it's hard to bear.
Positives first:-it is a pointed scenario-the atmosphere in the Game is great-there are many Ways to shape its Baasis, to extract raw Materials, etc. So all in all a very good Concept.
Negatives:-the graphics are absolutely bad, even with high settings it doesn't get any Better-it jerks without End (fps on average ~ 10-15)-the control is choppy and the Character Moves only at a Snail's pace, whereby with me the walking Speed of the Graphics settings depend (Bug or Feature????)-the Character is generally poorly animated-the Character swings like a Wobble Stalk with every Mouse movement or as if it wasn't quite healthy, that's Nauseous on a lifetime-the PHP is also still Kicked and flickering around wildly, you can also turn off the Nous But then no more Crosshairs-the Crosshairs in themselves are a bit of a mob and grating things is not always easy-a German Language Translation is missing, although there is already one in it but it is not too born Smoking (the Game is so Complex since the "reason English" does not stand out)-Div. Graphic Graphics errors, etc.
So it's still air up to make it a good Game. I very much hope that will be worked on even further. As it is at the moment, I can only advise anyone against buying the Game (especially not for the Price!!!), that's not worth it.
I won't touch it until the next patch and should it change in the near future for a positive then I like to turn my Thumb around!
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review In Take on Mars, You become an Explorer, a Researcher, and perhaps a Space Expert.
Even in this early early Access phase, the Game is full of Ways to spend the Time.
In Career Mode, however, You have to work Your way up first. Starting with a small Probe that You set off on Mars (or other Celestial bodies), you can collect first Data.
You have a small Budget, which is used to pay for the small Probes for the Missions. However, in successful Missions, you also get enough Money to explore new Things.
That brings us to the next Point. The "Tech Tree." In the somewhat confusing Tree at first, You can explore different Areas for the missions planned in the future. This costs a lot of Money and also takes a certain Amount of time for it to be fully researched. (You can speed up the Time in the Game, some Things take 20 Hours in real Time or more, for Example ...)
On the left side of the "Tech Tree" you can see a List of different Things, for Rovers, lander, Research Equipment, etc. Once clicked on one of the Objects, You will be shown with blue Lines which of the Things You need to explore and unlock the one.
With the researched "Parts" you can also build in the Lab, improve The Probes or even completely build your own. {There is not the Possibility to build everything completely yourself.} However, the Game offers You various Basic Scaffolding where You can attach robotic arms, Cameras, batteries, Solar Panels or the like. You can Then send the now built probe, or Rover directly to Mars, or test It on the Test site. (If I would recommend more complex Things)
The Game still looks great and is already going very round. So Far, I haven't had any Crashes or freezes.
I can recommend this little (for me) Masterpiece, already. Despite the still early Stage.
It's just a lot of Fun and anyone who is a little interested in our Universe, or the Solar System, can look at it.