Take Them Down (TheImperial)
Hello everyone!
This game right here is a first for me in two ways.
It's the first Twine game I've ever made, and it's the first time I've ever posted up a Project on Itch.io.
There's no real concrete story or branching pathways here. The whole setup is pretty basic. You're a badass marine in badass armor with badass weapons. There are evil demons and monsters around that want to kill you.
Kill them before they kill you, in gory, awesome ways.
If that suits your fancy, then go ahead and check it out.
I hope you enjoy the game!
Note: Yes, this was inspired by the recent Doom 2016 game and the upcoming Doom Eternal.
Edit: I had to change it to a ZIP file, because it wouldn't play in my browser and people were having issues. If you still have issues, try downloading Twine, uploading the TakeThemDown.html to it, then play it from there. Or go online and do the same at twinery.com.