Tale of the Forest
Tale of the Forest tells us how the protagonist, a young girl, goes in search of her missing brother. What and above all who she meets in the forest and how she solves the puzzles that come her way. It is a story of duty and a quest. We hope that it ends well.
- Movement WASD
- Interactions E
- Some Choices In Talk Scenes By Mouse
Playtime ~30-60minutes.
This Was a School Project For Metropolia UAS
Desing Team
- Producer / Level Desing - Nikolai Rinne https://linktr.ee/dwulfen
- Story writing - Marko Kivelä
- Puzzle Design - Satu Remes
- Matleena Oikarinen (Lead) https://www.artstation.com/ateneena
- Kim Heikoop https://kimheikoop.nl/
- Maria Tervo https://minnieshortcake.itch.io/
- Emilia Arpe https://kiyokori.wixsite.com/portfolio
- Miska Hopea (Lead)
- Henri Iisvirta
- Pyry Korhonen
- Juho Salakka
Music and sounds
- https://pixabay.com
- https://www.zapsplat.com
- https://www.playonloop.com