Average Playtime: 1 hour

Tale of Toast

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Tale of Toast is an open world MMORPG with core gameplay inspired by what made old school MMORPGs endlessly fun and engaging. With its easy to pick up play style, open world player versus player with high stakes for those daring to partake, and its focus on simple yet tactical combat, social aspects, trade skills, procedurally generated dungeons and quality over quantity quests, it is sure to have something for everyone.

Engaging combat with risks and rewards
Experience battles throughout the world against enemies, world bosses, players, or by taking part of large scale guild wars. Will you be a villain killing innocent players for their inventory, or will you lead a posse to protect the innocent and take out those villains?
With regard to world PvP, the various zones have different restrictions, though you can always take part in a duel or fight without risk inside the PvP Arenas.

Tired of being told what you can and cannot do with your character? In ToT, you do not choose a class for your character; you yourself decide what type of character you create. Perhaps you will make a pure melee warrior or a hybrid mage and ranger?

Trade Skills
You may take up a wide range of trade skills such as Mining, Woodcutting, Botany, Fishing, Blacksmithing, Carpentry, Leatherworking, Paring, Cooking, and Alchemy. The number of trade skills you take on is completely up to you. Will you become a generalist or focus on becoming the #1 chef on our high score list?

With both world dungeons that all players on the realm can enter, as well as instanced group dungeons, everyone can do their preferred dungeon. Dungeons scale to the level of the players inside, and dungeons are procedurally generated to ensure that each time you enter the same dungeon you will get a unique experience.

With high focus on quality before quantity, you will not find hundreds of quests that tells you to kill certain monsters, but instead you will find epic quest chains that unlock special features and opens locations for your character.

In the land of Astaria, you will find an open world taking place in a single zone with towns, capitals, forests, fields, summer areas, winter areas, desert areas, volcanoes, mines, and dungeons for you to explore in a dynamic day & night system and weather system.

Free-to-Play, but not Pay-to-win
The game is Free-to-Play, and offers micro transactions for things such as cosmetic items, pets, guild features, character renames and realm transfers. We have made a strong point to not have Pay-to-Win features in our game, so you will not be able to pay to gain an advantage over anyone else in combat.
Toasty Leaf
Toasty Leaf
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Linux

  • Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 10 GB available space
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 10 GB available space

System requirements for macOS

  • Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 10 GB available space
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 10 GB available space

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 10 GB available space
  • OS: Windows 10
  • Memory: 8 MB RAM
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 10 GB available space
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Jan 23, 2025

Where to buy

Tale of Toast Gameplay First Look - MMOs.com
Feb 24, 2018
Tale of Toast - Indie MMO - TheHiveLeader
Jun 23, 2017
Tale of Toast - Greenlight Trailer
Feb 20, 2017
Toasty Leaf
Tales Of Toast : Vale La Pena Este Juego l Primera Impresion Y Opiniones
Mar 15, 2018
Tale Of Toast - A New Upcoming PvP MMORPG Gameplay + Trailer!
Jun 18, 2017
Tale of Toast Gameplay & Overview | New PK Heavy Indie MMORPG Developed By Two People! Toasty Leaf!
Jun 24, 2017
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Tale of Toast - Greenlight Trailer
Tale of Toast - Indie MMO - TheHiveLeader
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Tale of Toast reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review To ne's nice Game. At this Stage, however, more an Imposition, rather than bringing Fun. On Average, I wait about 3 Hours until I can finally play-That's not a Joke. The funny thing is, the Developers know that they are modest, but nothing is done, each time I am allowed to spend 30 Minutes to 3 Hours (depending on the Time, (yes, it depends on the Time you try to log in). That would have been the first thing I would have cared about as a Developer after seeing that there is a Rush to the Game. Or I would have thought if there was a possibility of the Servers COLLAPSING KNOW ... As soon as that has been changed, I am also willing to change the Rating, but at the moment it is unfortunately not good. By The way: The Game time comes only by Queues condition, in total I played maybe 5 Hours;)
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review I have been allowed to test the Game in the alpha and am thrilled. Graphics etc won't please everyone, but that's Side issue. The Game offers a Lot and the Developers are close to the Players. I can't say much about the PvP because I'm more of a peaceful Player in the rule until you can't be peaceful anymore. The Craftingis already quite extensive and there is a Lot to collect: Materials, Titles, Successes, Mounts and Pets. There is a Shop where there really are only Things that have no Influence on the Game, but only pretty. I hope that this Is the direction that will continue. Not a perfect Game, but one that can inspire you longer. I hope to have found a Home here for Years. You will Find me on the EU Server, of course as Yirrin. Hey! The Game is free, so try it out. I've seen unfinished Games for expensive Money. This is clearly better.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review As in some of the Reviews here already write, the Game is sometimes very laggy. Fortunately, however, this is not the Case at all. Especially from 17/18 o 'clock the Game runs smoothly smoothly with me, but around Noon it is unplayable. Now to the actual Short Review: The Game is boring and deeply repetitive. The Gameplay actually consists only of 3rd Components:-Farms of Craft objects-Crafting Armor And Utensils-PvP You die at the PvP, You lose all your Objects. So the Farm starts again. Quests unfortunately do not exist or hardly exist. After almost 8 Hours I got 4 Pieces, all of which are actually for the Sole purpose of understanding the Game Mechanics. After 30 Minutes you have done them and then, completely without further instructions or Help, they are on your own. Unfortunately, I didn't notice Anything about the boss fights or even Dungeons described. I'm not even sure if they're already in play at all.
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