Tales from Candleforth (DEMO)
This demo is in Spanish because it was crafter for a Spanish videogame showcase so there are some text and specific content related to the showcase. Here's the translation of the first note you encounter.
"Hello Sarah, I need a favor. Pete has had a fever for two days and hasn't slept a wink last night. I have to run some errands but please, have this ointment prepared when I come back. It's a familiy recipe, but I'm sure you can replicate it in the apothecary."- Margaret Putnam
Tales from Candleforth is a folk terror 2D puzzle adventure with refined art and unique atmosphere that takes place in a small eerie village with a doomed destiny.
This project is still in development and this is the first playable demo we built on February 2022. We're putting a lot of effort into making the game look great so in the screenshots you will see things that are not included in the demo, but be sure that they'll be in the final version of the game. Refined and alive light schemes, 2D hand drawn animations and a bunch of creepy stuff will be added for your pleasure and delight.