Tales of Berseria achievements

Treasure Hunter
An award given to those who find treasure chests and open them. The contents don't matter. It's all for the thrill of pulling back that lid.
Refreshing Conversation
The main story is nice and all, but it's important to stop and smell the roses. You've learned some surprising things, haven't you?
The Earnest Soldier
Proof Eleanor knows 50 or more skills. Despite her misgivings, she'll step steadily forward, her spear firmly in hand.
The Unorthodox Witch
Proof Magilou knows 50 or more skills. Her words are questionable, but her ability is authentic.
The Pugnacious Skipper
Proof Eizen knows 50 or more skills. He's got a fist strong enough to overturn fate and protect his friends.
The Honorable Warrior
Proof Rokurou knows 50 or more skills. He will pay the debts he owes. That's the Rangetsu way.
The Curious Youth
Proof Laphicet knows 50 or more skills. He is at an age of expanding curiosity and swift growth.
The Stone-Cold Killer
Proof Velvet knows 50 or more skills. She'll do whatever she has to in the pursuit of her goal.
Perform a combo with 100 or more hits. Overwhelm your foe with artistic style!
Miraculous Myriad
Inflict 10,000 or more damage with a single hit. Use Break Soul combos, increased damage from stuns, and various skills to create the ultimate crushing blow.
Whetstone and Polish
You've strengthened equipment 50 times. You seem to have the hang of this. Now go out there and make the best equipment possible!
Soul Vacuum
Collect 20 or more souls in a single battle. Seek out dangerous fights and crush the reinforcements!