Tales Of Everwar: Pixie's Adventure
Controls: movement:
arrow keys
fast travel: number keys
What do all the things on my screen mean:
#: wall
@: player
&: npc
$: enemy
In the Broken Era of the long history of Everwar, a continent split between: the giants of Bovos, the cultists of Zwatia and peasants of Midellia, there was a little hero that tried to save the day.
We know the adventurer now as: Pixie the Pacifist. It is said Pixie had never hurt anyone before.. but will this hero's principle of peace continue once the great Thorn, king of the Mountain Of Misery, comes back and tries conquers Everwar once again?
The leaders of the three empires that split Everwar are ignorant to the possible return of great Thorn. King Brian of Midellia is too busy suppressing revolts and executing prisoners, Chief Gilbert of Bovos is too busy fighting a civilwar that has devastated Bovos and Lord David of Zwatia is too busy with making Zwatia a dystopian nightmare.
Will Pixie stop Thorn? Or will the world once again fall into darkness...
NOTE: You need to install the .NET runtime from the microsoft website for the game to work & if the game doesn't just run, you might want to try to open it as administator