Tales of Lazo

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In Tales of Lazo you will be telling the story of the brave hero Lazo - a knight on a quest to rid the world of evil monsters and random valuables as he journeys through lands of various obstacles. End level bosses will also pose danger to our hero as they will require more brain power to beat.

When I say you will be telling a story, I mean literally writing down the story of how Lazo moves through the world and tackles different obstacles and enemies! The character follows the instructions written in your story and acts accordingly.

The game logic reads through your story and looks for certain keywords that make Lazo do different things.

Different objects in the world can be used as anchor points that you can tell Lazo to approach. For example, you can instruct him to walk forward until he reaches a camp fire.

Although the character is controlled by certain keywords, you can use any words in between to make the story truly sound like a story!

Aside from all commands that will be available to players, there will be hidden words that will trigger certain bonus effects for Lazo. These are hidden but if you get into writing a compelling story, you will most certainly stumble upon these words and they will be colored in purple. :)

An example of a special word is using BRAVELY in a sentence, together with the ATTACKED command. This will give Lazo a slight damage increase for the attack. This will only work once in a story, though. You cannot spam this forever.

Different traps and enemy types will make for an exciting adventure across the different levels. To get a "perfect score" for a level, you will need to complete it in "one story". Meaning you need to write it perfectly so that Lazo survives till the end of the level by following your instructions!

If you are not certain of your writing abilities at first, you can of course tell his story step by step, seeing him progress in the level slowly. This will bring your score down.
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Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
  • Processor: Intel Core i3, 2.0 ghz
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 760
  • Storage: 1 GB available space
  • Sound Card: Integrated audio
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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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