Tales Runner reviews

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Microsoft from Deutsch
I'm not supposed to say. So I was interested to play it, but after the Character Creation I couldn't enter a Name to test it. That's Why I can't recommend the Game.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Actually makes Spa-needs updates though. Unfortunately, even yu are little player on the Servers and at the Beginning or you can not tap with the German Keyboard you have to change them unfortunately. I want the SPiel to update more and Contetnt after that maybe it's good. Fun but Fun
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Scrap one has not in any case at the start of the game irgentgenerrors or man kan with a deutsch/english Tastaur not playing as it is hardly impossible to enter His name now also surfed a lot in the internet afterwards but nothing good found except Alt + Shift + Mouse click bla bla bla If it's wrong, I can't end any further pave your Sgt Shugo
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Overall you get what you see. Most of he reviews here are the best bulls.hit I've read in my life. The sound and graphics are exactly what the game should be. The gameplay is alos perfectly for the style. There is no "Pay2Win" in this game because if you suck well you still suck even with 300$ invested into the game. You have to know how to play and you have to know the maps very good in order to be good. Every equip part can be made by TR(ingame currency) AND astros(real money). Some pets that dont have that much more stats are astro ony but still you have to know the maps. Next Thing: Avast didn't show it as a virus or anything and the only thing XTrap f.ucks up is the process explorer from microsoft. The game is exactly what I want and it has the right style. I played it before it went down and I play it now. The few cons we have: You have to set your local settings of the clock,date etc to US settings otherwise you wont get TR or EXP. You have to set your keyoard to english in order to rite in the chat (I'm german so it's sh!t but hey) No hackers seen so far and the game is still cool after all the years. I didn't spend money in it and still I'm the best player in the lobby for most of the time. My last words are: everyone that gives a negative review with the reasons: "Pay2Win,it's shown as virus.won't start" didn't play the game at all. If you have something that doesn't work then report it and don't blame the game, blame the Anti-Cheat. Directly uninstalling it and then putting this in a positiv review is as p.ussy style as it can get. Most of the people that say it's "Pay2Win" are the worst "gamers" in history I guess and the maybe can't even play CS:GO good and flame CS:GO to be "Pay2Win" too. GET THE GAME AND BECOME GOOD AT IT AND THEN RULE THE TR WORLD!!!