Tank Fight (Pixel_Gamer59)
This is a 2-8 Player Fast Paced PVP Game
How To Join:
You need to be steam friends with the host to join them.
Once the host has loaded into the lobby then you can join them by clicking on their steam profile and clicking join.
Here is a Video On How To Join: https://youtu.be/ZtzX0q3FYuE
If You like the game, you can join our public Discord Server: https://discord.gg/J4KRMCW8N9
I'm going to add public matchmaking eventually.
To Start the Game all player must stand in the glowing blue area.
The red bar is your heat each bullet fired gives 1 heat, heat dissipates over time, you can not fire when your heat is too full.
Each round has a death circle the closes in to a map determined location, you take 1 damage every second if you are in the zone.
Modifiers are global and will be picked at the start of the each round and the host can choose how many there are in the lobby.
Bouncy Bullets: Bullets Bounce 2 Times
Heat Dissipation 2x Speed: Heat Dissipates Twice as fast
Heat Dissipation Half Speed: Heat Dissipates Half as fast
Zone Closes 1.5x Speed: Zone Closes 50% Faster
Zone Closes 3x Speed: Zone Closes 200% Faster
Zone Closes All The Way: The Zone Will Close Completely
Zero Gravity Bullets: Bullets Don't Have Bullet Drop
Drunk: Your Controls And Aim Are Inverted (Low Chance Of Getting Picked)
Invisible Bullets: All Bullets are Invisible
Double Damage: Bullets Do Twice As Much Damage
Half Damage: Bullets Do Half As Much Damage
Explosive Bullets: All Bullets have a Explosion Radius (Can Hit Players Behind Walls)
Shield Recharge: Gives 0.5 Shield every 7.5seconds if you haven't been hit
Some Modifiers do not activate if they conflict with others
There are 4 Unique Maps That are chosen randomly each round. (I will add more)
Currently there is no sound
SpaceBar/UpArrow: To Jump.
AD/LR Arrows: To move left and right.
LMB: To fire.
Enter: To Start typing a message then enter again to send the message