Tavern is a med-fan tavern simulator answering the long asked question of what happens between quests when heroes and townsfolk, both too dumb and endearing to be true, gather to have a deserved rest. NOT made using RPG Maker. Also, NOT made sticking to the initial game jam intent as even we grew attached to the characters and decided to write more stuff.
You have one week to repay your loan of 700 shiny gold coins. As your tavern just opened, you need your lousy lot of heroes to succeed on quests so they attract customers to your place. Apart from the first quest every day, quest and events happen randomly.
- Move – Arrow keys
- Action – C
- Run – V
- Back/Open Log – X
- Quit – Escape
We would like to thank all our friends who played the game and gave us feedback to help us making it better.