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Teatime! is a top-down 2-handed-keyboard shooter featuring experimental controls, 6 weaponTypes, 3 playable characters, and quirky mechanics. Free-to-play inbrowser on itch.io & the pico8 bbs (https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=49365)

Goal: Keep your cupHp and playerHp above 0 for 300s while preventing no-more than 10 leaf from entering your cup. When the timer hits 0, you are given 10s, from times [0,-10], to drink the tea before it spoils.

[LongPlay: Fewer leaf in your cup will mean a higher score and potential bonuses]

[[EggoPlay: Take pic(PrtSc/etc) of your final character-select screen(blue/green/white)/score% and share below or on twitter(tag me @Cerbyo1)..bring (real)syrup. My best is in the comments]]

Note: The machinegun(particularly the impact sound) may have a bit of an echo when playing the webbuild on chrome(might sound better on firefox/etc). Consider downloading the .exe/binaries below if you find any of the audio to be a problem (pico8 users can play it directly on splore if/when it's showing up, or grab the .p8.png file from the bbs).

Controls ingameOverlay: z|x|c|v; enter (pause/volume-controls); fullscreen: in-browser it's the little-rect icon before the volume icon to the right of the game(esc to exit fs), otherwise alt+enter or the mac/linux equivalent for the binaries below.


  • a|d: angle of fire
  • s: fire; (tap)shotgun/sniper, (hold1)bomb/kinesis, (hold2)mg/poison
  • f: (tap)grab-nearby/drop cup; (hold)drink from heldCup
  • e: drop fakeCup
  • shift*: (tap)toggle altWeapons; (hold) +/- turnrate while using a|d

*spacebar/q added as alts; generally shift>space>q when it comes to keyboard rollover. Holding 4-keys-at-once (i.e. s+a+left+down) on std keyboard occasionally triggers rollover with shift(5-keys-at-once).


  • arrowKeys: movement up/down/left/right

Certain key contain 2('shift'/'f') or 3('s') states based on the time they are held/pressed for. Use the top-left bar to assist when firing('s') each set of three weaponTypes. The aiming reticles will be blue on primaryWeapons set; green on the altWeapons set (tap 'shift' to toggle between them).

+++primaryWeapons(blue): Holding shift increases turnrate of a|d

  • +Shotgun grants +9exp if you 1-shot with it; leaf body fly farther 
  • ++Bombs provide 0 direct expGain; can be turned into redsuns(tips) by combining with 'fallen leaves'(telekinesis/leafCollision); regenerate over time while shields(below) inactive.
  • +++Machinegun(mg) overheats over time(blackBullets:less dmg/acc)

+++altWeapons(green): Holding shift decrease turnrate of a|d

  • +Sniper pierces and increases in damage after striking leaves, but decreases damage if you miss entirely. It's damage value, ranged [20,500], is listed top-left ingame; Spammed like mg to clear large clumps. 
  • ++ ++Telekinesis has two states: the initial state creates 4 shields which will protect from and fling leaves around. When all 4 are depleted the state will end. If telekinesis is triggered a second time while any of the shields are still active it will detonate and knock everything within the red-circle backwards and end the state. Each state costs 1 bomb to activate.
  • +++Poison pierces and persists on leaves based on the amount of poison received. The poison bullets themselves do 0 direct damage. Poisoned leaves will move slower and each take a unique preset damage value over time until they wilt or the poisoned state elapses. 


  • Teacup: you can pickup and drop the cup by tapping f. While holding the cup and holding f, you may drink the tea to become 'burnt' (u drop the cup and become red and invulnerable). Holding the cup increases your 'heatbar' (creeping redbar below green exp-bar seen while cupHeld). When heatbar is full it will trigger a 'sudden burnt', similar to the above, but the sudden drop causes -25 to cupHp. 
  • Heatbar/Cooling: You can reduce the heatbar by setting the cup down. SteppingOn(squishing) a leaf will grant a sudden cooling bonus, as will entering the burnt state and colliding with any leaf.
  • fakeCup: all characters start with a fakeCup. When activated(e) it will fall from the sky onto a random position of the map where it will remain ~10s. All leaf will move toward the fakeCup's location and become confused when they get within a medium radius. Bombs will destroy fakeCups, so be careful about deploying them if bombs are detonated all over the map.
  • Speed-boost: holding 's', i.e. using mg/poison, will give you a speedboost when moving in the direction opposite of the one you are firing in (newton's third law..for every action force there is a reaction force in the opposite direction..). 
  • Experience: Gaining a level(lvl) grants +1hp on odd numbered lvls if you are under maxHp, otherwise +1 bomb. Surpassing lvl9 resets to lvl1 and grants +1fakeCup. 1-shot with shotgun grants +9exp. Exp values fix to 20exp when leaf are steppedOn, 15exp for wilting by collision via other leaf, leaf surviving collisions get an exp boost similar to the 1shotshotgun. Uncommon leaf grant superior base-exp values and, in terms of exp, are usually better shot than steppedOn/flung. Direct explosion damage yields no exp. BlueHat(see tips) negate all exp gains when active. In general exp is maximized through 1shotgunning, feetSquishing and leaf-leafCollisions.


  • Greg: high survivability; high-hp/bomb&redsun-pull resistance
  • Chippy: high damage(all weapons get bonuses); lower survivability. 
  • Wants: 0 bomb-regen; HighBomb#; immune to green; longer blue fall

Example Run: Chippy 20%

Tips (♥click here♥) ✽Tease Greg; he's unloved.

★Don't underestimate fakeCups. GameOver with an excess? GameWon with a deficit. They can save an undefended cup from bitterness.  

✽Bomb damage does not stack against the cup or player, only 1 explosion can affect either at a time. Feel free to explosively abuse these facts along with any excess hp/cupHp(u just need above 0)

★Poison/kinesis-detonation/shield-impact/fakeCup are all methods to slow leaf

✽While Bombs will not regenerate while telekenis's shields are active, shields can still be active while using either weaponSet i.e. mg+shields 

★Shooting leaves into eachother(i.e. a green into a blue) will knock them down so you can squish with your feet (shotgun is best for this).

✽Drinking the tea and entering burnt state makes it difficult to control where you go...and can make it hard to defend your cup. Consider complimenting with mg/poison to speedup/slow the right components.

★While experience may be plentiful, adding a few 'high-exp moves' to your fighting style will better stockpile you for later waves. 

✽Each typeof leaf has its own strengths/weaknesses & SecretMechanics. i.e. yellow leaf are crazy fast, have tons of hp, absorb explosion, explode on contact with the cup (they don't count towards leaf in cup), -1hp and turn into a bomb firing at the angle of impact when bumping the player, and explode when stepped on.<--That's alot; but if you step on them, and quickly exit the explosion, u can do so without hp loss with Chippy(chance of dmg with the others); yellow are still vulnerable to leaf impacts, so a bomb attack can still damage them, and the faster something is, the more effective any applied slowness will be. 

★Blue waves got you down? Get the blue waves down! A ~cool~ way is with shield+discharge. Useup 3 shields and squish the fallen, then get in the middle of a clump and discharge the last shield and squish squish squish! Removes heat, uses only 2 bombs, gives good exp which later gives u more bomb/hp/fakeCup. Breezy! 

Redsun are created by detonating bombs on leaf that have been knocked-over(fallen), or by throwing leaf into detonated bombs via shields. Redsun pull nearby leaves/player into their centers; their duration can be renewed by manually tossing new leaves into them (shield reflection is easiest). A player situated between two redsuns will experience no gravitational pull. They are very dangerous (esp to Chippy); careful not to accidently stack a bunch of them and get stuck in a heavy gravitational pull. You can counter by avoiding pausing/idling while near redsun (aka keep your velocity high by maintaining movement in a single direction) and using speed-boost. Otherwise if you are completely stuck in redsun and carrying the cup, drink and sacrifice cupHp for a chance at survival(if there's time). Conversely redsun are very lucrative, or deadly, if you 'hug them' and squish leaf as they are being dragged in.

★Sometimes losing 1 hp and bumping into (explosive)somethings is just.

Earthquake/Purple-Panic: the last 10 seconds of the game (and ~150s mark with the clumpy green leaf trains) the screen will shake and purple leaf will continuously appear in a radius directly around the teacup while a repeating tune plays. Note that any leaf-impact while trying to drink the tea will cancel the process and you will have to retry after a very short delay. So be sure to be constantly moving before u attempt to drink. These sections can be challenging if you are caught in bad positioning... but if you drop a fakeCup(e), the purples will change their spawn radius to around the fakeCup instead.

Black/White-wave: altWeapons shine brightest here. Clear a path through the stampeding leaf with the sniper while constantly spamming poison/discharge to control the map around you. Be sure to squish fallen leaf often so you don't enter burnt state at a bad time. Keep an eye on your temperature gauge and reduce however u can. You can squish the yellows, and in the lulls of the waves, quickly fire bombs on discharged foe to create some redsun. The most important thing to do though is spamming fakeCup. These are lifesavers during this wave, so feel free to useup your stockpile. Shotgun/machinegun have little effectiveness here. 

WizardHats are cool and tuck-everlasting transdimensional beings; hats are dropped by defeating blackWizard(black+hat). You can either fire on them until they drop it then pick it up or bump into them(-1hp) to instantly pickup the hat. Hats stay active on the map indefinitely, even between character-swap/retry, until you destroy them with a bomb or pick them up. There are two types of hat: the blueHat emit constant discharge and provide infinite-bombs, but consume any expGain; the redHat provide infinite-bomb without affecting expGain. Think of blueHats as a lifeline in a dire situation; redHats as a supply-buff(re:Wants). WARNING: blueHat do NOT make you invulnerable! Purple-panic can burrow underneath you, squishing too many yellow leaf can suck you into oblivion, and fallen leaf can 'getup' right before you pass over them again. Keep moving and avoid returning to areas with fallen leaf you recently knocked-over!

~BlackWizard/Wants/Traveller/stat-Increases fall under Spoiler Tips~

Spoiler Tips (♥click here♥)

😐The hardest waves are probably the yellow waves. The easiest waves are probably the yellow waves. If you don't believe it, drop the cup, get out of the way, and let nature run its course.

😐Black wizard can be absorbed into your cup to decrease the leafs_in_cup(topRight#/10) count by 2, and increase cupHp by ~150. This is achieved by dropping the cup infront of their path or carefully 'moving level and right' into them with the cup equipped (difficult without practice). The traveller gives this information ingame if you bring him bitter tea.

😐The Traveller is the special cloaked leaf appearing in the last 10 seconds of the game. If you bump into him with the cup equipped or put him in the cup the match will end. If you have under 10 leaves_in_cup you will unlock the final character 'Wants' and hardMode and be rewarded with extra bombs based on how light the tea blend was (aka fewer leaves=more bomb). The traveller reappears at the start of the match if you play as 'Wants'. You can destroy(squish doesnt affect his exp) him for exp or put him in your cup for a +250 cupHp bonus (this was another hint given..more so explicitly told.. if you originally brought him bitter tea).

😐Only 'Wants' can play hardMode; hardMode in general increases the number of blue/purple/yellow/black-wizard spawnchance.

😐On the character-selection menu, Greg gains +1 max_hp to a max of +5 everytime he whimpers (achieved by hovering over anyone who isn't him for a random short time). He also gains +2max_hp everytime you finish a match with over 10 leaf if your cup (meant to reward ppl for surviving the waves even if they failed the #leafs_in_cup objective cause of a little mistake). Greg also also gains +5hp if you attempt to select 'Wants' 3x on the character select screen(this bonus is lost if Wants is unlocked!). If Greg gains any bonus hp specific to him the text "+?Love" will appear as a hidden attribute showing the current total bonus to his default 20 max_hp.

😐Unlocking wants unlocks the green character-selection screen; beating hardmode with any score>=0 will unlock the white character-selection screen, which grants a statBonus of +5hp/150cupHp/+20bomb to all characters. This bonus will help any1 replaying for 100% scores.

😐If you have achieved a 100% score with Greg or Chippy and completed any % of Hardmode with Wants then you have beaten the game. There is no further content other than achieving 100% scores for all 3 character and whatever inbetween endscreen text you may have missed depending on how bitter/light your tea was. If desired you may visit the pico8 bbs link and read missed [[text]], or whatever else, from the code directly. <-Link pending.

If you fail, don't fret! Just revel in the copious amounts of composting you've done here today (each run's #compost/score displayed 😐bottom-left on the end-screen; ttl #compost is on character-select screen).

 !!!Virtual Carbon Offsets Matter...here!!!

Now get to brewing that tea! Happy Composting!


                                                  Thanks for playing! 


 Primary Contact via Twitter: @Cerbyo1

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Not rated

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Last Modified: Sep 19, 2022

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