Telepathy Zero reviews

Translated by
Microsoft from French
Here, Andrii Vintsevych returns with a small game of very simplicity, however very difficult to find 10 consecutive. For the question of beauty it's really messed up, completely devoid of refinement. But... It can play quietly and when you take the nerves... You're taking a break. Of course, this little game does not require an advanced computer course... But take into consideration that it serves mainly entertainment and that it is free. Drop the probability scales... More than 30% of players have finished it. This game is called telepathy zero, which means that no need to be a SEER to succeed, but simply to guess or cheat in trying to understand the logic. He was severely criticized, but wrongly in my opinion, since it is free... We are free to download it and erase it if you do not like it. I finished the game in 27 minutes. I give you a clue... The colors are random... But there is a logic to the random mode then the small brain, drop the probability scales... there is... Better your assets a free and fun game than an expensive and annoying game. I highly recommend it. Friendly Pastor
Translated by
Microsoft from French
If you have read the evaluation of our friend Berserkr, you know – unless you have forgotten, in this case great you were done – that Clickdrawn clicker displayed the zero level of fun. Pure and hard RNG, odds against you by the thousands, slow animations, an interest approaching the nothingness intersideral. Well, guess what, Andrii Vintsevych and his shovelwares that make it hard to see comes back with an even more empty software game of interest than Clickdraw. Made of artworks of a damning ugliness, telepathy zero proposes us to guess the next choice of an algorythmus that would be proud a student of L1 in computer science, after his first week of directed work. So here you are with 1/3 chance to guess good, and then that's it, if not successes for you "reward" for having reached combos up to 10 correct shots in a row. So a clever little one did the math taking into account the latency between each proposal, and that would amount to a expectation of more than 200 hours of play in order to get to grips with it. Except that it... is possible to exploit a glitch of the game using an autoclicker! By setting EasyAutoClicker to 20 MS, you just have to wait a short time with the cursor on one of the proposals to see the algorythmus lose the ball and get completely out of sync; It will eventually display the expected answer, superposed with the question. here you are with a beautiful dung finished at 100% in less than 10 minutes. For effective resorption of damage inflicted to your psyche, it is recommended to present your major tense during the uninstall process. Did you like this evaluation? Find others by joining our editorial group: purging.