Temple Trouble (itch)
Welcome to Temple Trouble!
Play truly unlimited puzzling levels each completely different in position & distance. Try your best to both race against the clock and quickly make your way towards the end, but watch out for the tricks and traps on your route to success!
This game offers a true infinite range or levels to play from, all you have to do is complete to unlock the next course! Every map uses its own special seed, meaning each is completely unique!
YOUR OBJECTIVE:Become the winner, get from our starting point to the golden finish! You can only move one block at a time and there is a vast range of traps and tricks to fool you. How far can you reach? Difficulty is constantly progressing as the levels continue, will you figure out the solution to each map? Some are easy, some aren't.
BUY THIS GAME NOW:Purchase the full game now on Windows for only $2.49.
Download for FREE from the Google Play Store; Link