Terrible Spaceship Design
The location is unknown, the resources are non-existant, and whoever designed your spaceship is definitely insane!
Drag your gun around, it'll surely be fun and not super difficult to maneuver at all.
Arcade Styled Gameplay
Any similarities to Asteroids are purely coincidental.
Quick GuideWASD or arrow keys to move around. Your only gun is attached by a cable to the main body, and is coincidentally the only fragile part of the spaceship.
Use your mouse to aim and click to shoot.
If your energy runs out, you lose, so make sure to pick those green... things to replenish it. They'll also give you small improvements to your weapon, which over time will become very noticeable! Probably.
This game is a submission to Ludum Dare 46 - "keep it alive". It was created using Unity in less than 48 hours.