Average Playtime: 5 hours

Test Drive Unlimited 2

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Test Drive Unlimited is an arcade car and motorcycle simulator developed by Eden Games. It is not linked to the previous installment of the series in any way.


The game starts on a Spanish Island of Ibiza. The customizable main character works as a car valet. One day, they are offered to participate in an island-wide championship called Solar Crown due to his dream of becoming a professional racer.


Like in the previous game of the Test Drive franchise, the game features a completely open world and is set on two islands - Ibiza in Spain and O'ahu, Honolulu.

The players are free to buy whichever vehicle they want as long as they have the required driving license and money. There are four licenses in the game, Asphalt, Off-road, Classics, and Motorcycles. Each license has several levels that must be acquired in the in-game driving school.

The cars are not the only thing available to the players. The game features a wide variety of social options. The players are free to buy new clothes, houses, visit casinos or even start their own crew by purchasing a club building.


The game features a free-roaming multiplayer mode, with up to eight players playing together in one game session. Apart from free-roaming and competing in races, it is also possible to visit the game's social hubs, other players houses or drive in one car with other players.

Release date
Eden Games
Eden Studios
Age rating
13+ Teen
DLC's and editions

System requirements for PlayStation 3

System requirements for Xbox 360

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP SP2, Vista SP2, Windows 7
  • Processor:Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2GHz or AMD Athlon X2 4400+
  • Memory: 2GB
  • Graphics: Nvidia GeForce 8800 / ATI Radeon HD 3870 or faster*
  • DirectX®: DirectX 9.0c
  • Hard Drive: 14 GB
  • Sound: DirectX 9.0c-compatible
  • Peripherals: Keyboard, Mouse or 10-button controller such as Xbox 360 or Logitech Dual-Action
  • Other Requirements: Internet Broadband Connection, Microsoft .NET 3.5 required
  • Note:* Integrated video cards, such as the ATI Radeon HD 3200 or Intel HD Graphics, are not supported.
  • OS:Windows XP SP2, Vista SP2, Windows 7
  • Processor: Core 2 Duo 2.2GHz or AMD Athlon X2 4400+
  • Memory: 2GB
  • Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 280 / ATI Radeon HD 4870
  • DirectX®: DirectX 9.0c
  • Hard Drive: 14 GB
  • Sound: DirectX 9.0c-compatible
  • Peripherals: Keyboard, Mouse or 10-button controller such as Xbox 360 or Logitech Dual-Action
  • Other Requirements: Internet Broadband Connection, Microsoft .NET 3.5 required
  • Note:* Integrated video cards, such as the ATI Radeon HD 3200 or Intel HD Graphics, are not supported.
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Mar 10, 2025

Where to buy

PlayStation Store
Xbox 360 Store

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3 edits


1 edit
Test Drive Unlimited 2 Gameplay [HD]
Feb 5, 2011
Test Drive Unlimited 2 (PS3): Audi R8 V10 Spyder Cruising [720p]
May 26, 2011
Test Drive Unlimited 2 - Gameplay - Premières minutes de jeu - FR HD [1/2]
Feb 6, 2011
Video Gameplay
Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown - Welcome to...
Jul 6, 2021
Test Drive Unlimited 2 - All 10 Wreck Cars Location on Hawaii 2
Feb 10, 2011
Test Drive Unlimited 2 - Massively Open Online Racing Game for PS3, X360 & PC
Apr 30, 2010
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Fugitive Wanted
Outrun the police 30 times in Online Chase Mode
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Drive for 15 sec. above 100 km/h (62 mph) with 8 players in "Keep Your Distance" mode
Arrest 30 outlaws in Online Chase Mode
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Test Drive Unlimited 2 GamePlay With McLaren MP4-12C
Test Drive Unlimited 2 - Unlock Hawaii Speedrun in [3:41:24]
Highlight: Hawaii% Speedrun - WR Hunting
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Test Drive Unlimited 2 reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
This Game was the first game I played. I can only say it never gets boring and there are many options to what you can do. There are 2 Islands contained To Hawai and Ibiza. It has many Choice of Cars and Luxurious Villa that you can buy Clups and drive DLC cars:* What I really miss today is that many Players rarely play this Game and have gone Eden Games Atari whereas I don't understand why this is such a damn tes cool game and pre-online. She hasn't been active for a long time and rarely Players online:(
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Test Drive Unlimited 1 was very good, and Unlimited 2 ist much better. Play on steam 100 hours, on xbox i think 400 hours, i know so much about this game :-P Positiv: -> Much Cars -> A big map(s) (with old map from unlimited 1) -> Nice villas, and u can upgrade ur villa! -> good online systems -> Much Mission and its never boring -> Nice Clothes Negativ: -> Old Textures -> Online Bugs (really♥♥♥♥♥♥ I cant found more negative points because i love this game so much :-) Please buy this game, spend money for the puplisher for Unlimited 3! you will to have no regrets. Sorry for my english, i learn it :-P
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
For all those WHO bought TD2 a short time ago, Start the Steam client in admin mode, then it works, I also had Start-up difficulties. At my TZest, I disconnected the Network cable. The Graphics perform well on a GTX580 WITH Graphics Bar at the Stitre-right-below. Now to the Content who knows Ubisoft'S "The Crew," know that this Game has laid the Foundations for it. The Driving Model needs to explore even further, is ehr Arcadig, the Graphics are very well aged and Ibiza and bypass is very nice to look at. Does the Ava tar, can be redressed in this Game, can ect be redressed. Only I haven't found the Washing System yet!? For me, this Game fills a Gap from hiden the Racing Sim (AC, PC and GT on the PS3) to Open World Action Games GTA 4/5 and to Play Rally Car. For CAR nerds, an interesting and entertaining arcade action racing game.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
The negative Reviews are sometimes not true at all. Correction: 1. The Online Service is NOT needed to play or play through the Game. 2. The Servers are currently down, but will soon be coming back online. This happens occasionally as Atari was on the Verge of Bankruptcy and some service/Projects demand a higher Attention than the Servers of TDU2 3. You can buy the DLCs, are not included in this Version. All you have to do is go to the TestDrive page and have it unlocked for your Account. 4. On all The Computers and Laptops I have here, the Games run flawlessly. Bugs/Glitches I've hardly ever had in my 33 Hours of Play. At most 1-2.5. The Graphic is impressive. However, this does not apply to the Cutscenes and Character Animations. I can agree With people that they are not appropriate to Age. Since these are rare anyway, this should not be a Problem
I liked it, but the story and character were so bad... I hated all the smug jerks, and my character wasn't much better.
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