Tetrominos Fury 2351
An online multiplayer variant of the famous game, inspired by the Switch game "Tetris 99". Also include a single player mode
Sorry for the bad aspect, I didn't work on visuals at all.
It's my first online multiplayer game, and it was more a test to work with udp sockets for communication
Multiplayer Server
Tested with Lua 5.1
To host a server, you will need Lua on your computer
- Installer for Linux : https://www.lua.org/download.html
- Installer for Windows : https://github.com/rjpcomputing/luaforwindows
- Lua for MacOS : It seems that you can build a version from source
Once installed, you can run the server.lua file with it
The default port is 12345, but you can change it in the server.lua file (line 6)
To start a game, you need at least 2 players in the Lobby. The game start when all players are ready
I didn't put any restrictions on player number, but i only tested with 7 players in a game. Theoretically, you can have 625 different players (number of possible id)
Left Arrow Key / RIght Arrow Key to move the piece left/right
Down Arrow Key to soft drop (hard drop not implemented)
S key / D key to rotate the piece counter clockwise/clockwise
Escape key at any time to exit the game and return to the menu
ctrl + c / ctrl + v in the connection screen to copy/paste to/from clipboard
font : VCR OSD Mono
thanks to all testers:
- Deldrimo
- Effarek
- Youpi
- Volothamp
- Coconul
- Altaxl
- Not
- Nocra
- Setsuretsu
Mastoast - Programming and Visuals
If you want the source code, i can publish it, just ask.
Have fun !