Th3 Plan
The Plan (stylized as Th3 Plan) is a stealth action game developed by Eko System studio. This description was written by another user and accidentally posted under the game "The Plan" which is a chill little game about a fly. All he does is fly. Luckily that "The Plan" is free at steam so you won't accidentally purchase the wrong game and be super pissed.
The protagonists are professional thieves Robert Taylor, Alan Siegel, Stephen Foster, and Valerie Carrera, Foster’s girlfriend. The action starts with mafia hiring thieves to take two Rembrandt paintings; in exchange, they are promised to have a valuable diamond.
During the job, Alan gets caught by the police. After that the team splits; Foster has business with mafia while Taylor and Carrera break Siegel out of prison. Their plan is to revenge Foster for abandoning the team. Mafia refuses to pay Foster for only one painting, so he is to get the other one. The aim is to steal the paintings back and go into hiding to avoid the mafia.
The player can switch between Valeria, Alan, and Robert. There are several missions which have to be completed; interchange between the protagonists lets the player unite the team to achieve goals.
The characters' perspectives are shown on the screen. It lets the player be in charge of team actions.
Key Features
Apart from the main action, The Plan invokes lots of classic stealth mechanics including striking enemies from the shadows, sneaking and hiding, running past an enemy to avoid alerting him. The title is not a «chillax» kind of game as the player usually has to be on guard and follow the action. Like other stealth games, The Plan emphasizes light and shadow design and uses faint sound effects.