The abyss (Patata Magicachan)
Heya. This is my very first game proyect, I hope it's at least somewhat enjoyable.
I spent most of the time doing models and animations (most of wich didn't even made it into the game) as well as a big part of the code (Recivieng help from my friend Ars in the player movement).
I really hope that all I made works fine just like in Unity, ha, ha.
Also, you can rush to one of the final rooms in about 1:38 minutes.
So, the game is technically beatable in about 5 minutes.
Maybe 15 for a casual run.
By the way, in each level there is an abnormally plain wall at the start and exit. It might be hard to found, thats why I added a map... sorta. It is painted in one texture in the first level, good luck finding it and understanding it XD
Asides from that. I plan on doing something else with the game or the idea at least, so maybe in the future I'll update this or create a new, similar proyect.
Game for the "Choose Your Horror" game jam
Ok, thats all. Take care!