The abyss (Patata Magicachan)

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Heya. This is my very first game proyect, I hope it's at least somewhat enjoyable.
I spent most of the time doing models and animations (most of wich didn't even made it into the game) as well as a big part of the code (Recivieng help from my friend Ars in the player movement).

I really hope that all I made works fine just like in Unity, ha, ha.
Also, you can rush to one of the final rooms in about 1:38 minutes.
So, the game is technically beatable in about 5 minutes.
Maybe 15 for a casual run.

By the way, in each level there is an abnormally plain wall at the start and exit. It might be hard to found, thats why I added a map... sorta. It is painted in one texture in the first level, good luck finding it and understanding it XD

Asides from that. I plan on doing something else with the game or the idea at least, so maybe in the future I'll update this or create a new, similar proyect.

Game for the "Choose Your Horror" game jam

Ok, thats all. Take care!

Release date
Patata Magicachan
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

The abyss (Patata Magicachan) screenshot, image №3405981 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Jun 3, 2022

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