The Adventures Of Pocket Battle Kitty!
This is a Game Jam submission game!
Is a game made of entirely .bat code and files
Team for 2020 Mini Jam 45
Programmer, Art, Ideas : Sarainia
To install just unzip and then click SetupGame001.bat
There is just 1 dungeon in game.
3 Rat Mob Types.
1 Boss "Evil Rat"
This is a very "RNG" Game so it may take you a bit to get
a good footing.
I'm not really expecting anyone to beat the game on 1st day btw.
The only true and tested way of beating the game is
to meditate and or fish in the bowl.
Fishing requires 20 Fish for a random chance at stats
The mini math game will start up as intended
or Mini Tic Tack Toe as intended
but after 10 secs it will go back to game as
they both are built into the game now.
Unfortunately I did not make an uninstall so when your done just
go into cmd and type
attrib +r -h +s "C:\Prototype Secure Game Files 001"
delete both folders
Prototype Game 001
Prototype Secure Game Files 001
The only reason why it was semi sorta secured is to give the player
The Judge a vanilla play experience because save files can be edited
Thanks for trying our game out, I think I will try to one day
Complete this project in full! :)