The Ancient Curse - Public Alpha Demo (v0.1)

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Presentamos "The Ancient Curse - A survival horror videogame", nuestro proximo primer juego desarrollado para PC.

Preparate para una experiencia de terror y supervivencia en primera persona, enfrentate a horribles criaturas en un pueblo poseido por una antigua maldicion.

Obten y juega ya a la primera demo publica.

Eres Thomas Baker, un agente de "La Mente", una organizacion con intereses en lo paranormal.

- Descubre el misterio de la oscuridad en un pueblo industrial poseido por una fuerza antigua.

- Enfrentate a humanos que fueron poseidos y transformados en horribles criaturas que deambulan por el pueblo.

- Haste con multiples herramientas y armas a tu favor para sobrevivir.

- Administra tus recursos.

- Elige entre las 4 dificultades disponibles: Normal, Dificil, Superviviente y Pesadilla.

Luego de jugar esta demo, por favor, envianos tus comentarios a [email protected]


Introducing "The Ancient Curse - A survival horror videogame", our next first game developed for PC.

Get ready for a first-person survival horror experience, face horrible creatures in a town haunted by an ancient curse.

Get and play the first public alpha demo now.

You are Thomas Baker, an agent of "The Mind", an organization with interests in the paranormal.

- Discover the mystery of darkness in an industrial town possessed by an ancient force.

- Confront humans who were possessed and transformed into horrible creatures that roam the town.

- Have multiple tools and weapons to your advantage to survive.

- Manage your resources.

- Choose between the 4 difficulties available: Normal, Hard, Survivor and Nightmare.

After playing this demo, please send us your comments to [email protected]

Release date
Moonlight Games Official
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Jul 23, 2021

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