The Chants of Maldoror - Dungeon Scene
The Chants of Maldoror - Dungeon Scene.
Brute is set on after Maldoror and has made into the dungeons with only the help of his little friend. Maldoror has his troupe of dark knights patrolling his every way.
- Pause [P] to access keymap.
- Fullscreen [Icon] for better performance.
- Move with [W] [A] [S] [D], back up with [Q] + [S].
- Run with [LSHIFT] + [W], standing jump with [Z] and running jump with [X].
- Block attack with [SPACE].
- Throw an axe spin attack with [F].
- Use an axe combo attack with [G].
- Throw an axe uppercut with [C].
- Throw an axe cutdown with [V].
- Hammer it down with [CTRL].
- Use [4] to get health potion from the little sidekick.
- Use [3] to summon a giant meteor explosion (no good when inside the dungeon).
- Use [2] to set off the plasma beam.
- Use [1] to activate plasma super mode (no health damage).