The Chants of Maldoror - Winter Scene
The Chants of Maldoror - Winter Scene.
Brute is set on after Maldoror throug the the mountains with only the help of his little friend. Maldoror has his troupe of dark knights patrolling his reign.
- Pause [P] to access keymap.
- Fullscreen [Icon] for better performance.
- Move with [W] [A] [S] [D], back up with [Q] + [S].
- Run with [LSHIFT] + [W], standing jump with [Z] and running jump with [X].
- Block attack with [SPACE].
- Throw an axe spin attack with [F].
- Use an axe combo attack with [G].
- Throw an axe uppercut with [C].
- Throw an axe cutdown with [V].
- Hammer it down with [CTRL].
- Use [4] to get health potion from the little sidekick.
- Use [3] to summon a giant meteor explosion (no good when inside the dungeon).
- Use [2] to set off the plasma beam.
- Use [1] to activate plasma super mode (no health damage).